Friday, 27 June 2014

#14 - Thursday 26th


The only two photographs I took on Thursday - my freshly washed, dried and folded (I think possibly ironed too) washing by Teenie - who with her husband run the hostel I'm staying at. (I've actually just been handed the keys to lock up reception again!) & My bedroom heater - so, so handy, it can get pretty chilly, even during the night here - spent a few minutes warming my hands after using the wifi outside!!) 

Amazingly woke up before my alarm! Went into surgery halfway through, one patient I'd seen a few times before - so quite interesting. The tea and biscuit cupboard was restocked so we enjoyed those and then made our way back to the Haff Yok for lunch (cauliflower soup and chocolate cake). Had a quiet hour and then back to the surgery for evening clinic - quite a challenging consultation but I learned alot. Made chilli for the GP and I - I cannot cut down from Acey family sized meals! Enjoyed the view over the bay from the surgery for the last time & returned to the barn for more rhubarb crumble. Spent the evening missing the two men from Seville - as I went inside they went out & viceversa over two hours!! Spent some time outside using the wifi, had a lovely chat to a lady visiting from Seattle & then spent over an hour freezing together with the two men from Seville and another lady from Seattle - putting the world to right... & being convinced to visit Seville - in April/May or October - otherwise its too hot and wet... the smell of oranges in April sounded heavenly....

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