Monday, 14 July 2014

#32 - Monday 14th

(to begin)

Showered and washed my hair with my new, french conditioner! The boulangerie was closed for the bank holiday, Bastille day, so no pain aux raison for breakfast, instead I managed to buy the right milk & enjoy a proper cup of tea with baguette and raspberry jam... thought about renaming this blog "a baguette a day..." Finished reading North Ronaldsay Doctor & making Anne's 'chapeau' (hat) - I've included a photo below, I'm not sure how the wool changed colour..... also if anyone else would like a hat...? Anne took me with her to the supermarket a little later, explaining the names of things to me and showing me her favourite cheeses. We discussed the effect the full moon has on the earth, the people and the animals.... Late lunch, Anne made a lovely couscous, courgette, carrot, tomato salad, tres bien! Talking about eggs, Anne got up, selected an egg from the fridge and smashed it against the sink... thankfully it was hard-boiled, but I had worried what I'd managed to ask in French!! Finally at about four we left for our walk we'd been talking about all day! We walked out to the canal and out into the countryside. It was lovely, a fine day with sunny intervals, lots of people cycling, walking, running alongside the canal. Within about fifteen minutes you would have no idea you were so near a city, we reached the first loch, someone works and lives there - their garden full of flowers. Continuing was much the same, very nice, the second loch had a garden full of amazing smelling roses and many other pretty flowers. The lady was nice today and let us cross the loch, both feeling tired on the way back and my french ability rapidly decreasing again! Gillet (not sure how to spell it, I'll find out) for dinner, with egg and cheese inside - really simple but so, so tasty with a small glass of wine (which is so much cheaper in France). My brain already feels like its getting French and English mixed up, trying to text and speak sometimes in a mixture of the two...hopefully its a sign I will "developer ma francais" while here. Time to hop into my 'princess bed' - Anne's put a mosquito net up for me, I've been bitten plenty last night... and read some good old Harry Potter

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