Friday, 25 July 2014

#42 - Jeudi 25th


(to rain)

Made it into hospital, ward round and I then sat with the externes again, horribly awkward when they spoke to me and I didn't realise yet again until the long pause.... she later explained my comprehension must be pretty bad to not know they were talking to me.... Read through some computer notes and went on a little ward round with the doctor where I was given my own patient - goodness. I didn't speak much french and made the ECG a right palarva but it was so good to feel a little useful again and to spend some time directly with a patient. In England Drs rarely do the ECGS, so I've not done many, the principle is simple - stick the electrodes on, atatch the wires and press the button to go. Well I couldn't get the stickers to stay on with the weight of the leads, asking the intern for help she said 'ask someone for help...' , well I'd asked her and only for some sticky tape!! People here are nice but not overly nice - like it'd be nice to be given a print out of all the patients, like everyone else... Returned to find the patient in his nineties worriedly trying to hold all the wires. Wrote in the notes in french, the doctor ONLY MADE SPELLING CORRECTIONS and added a little! Planning meeting went well, more clinics booked in and I know when the big ward round things are now, I was allowed Friday off... and the doctor has even organised for her parents to meet me in St Malo, the coastal town on Sunday, to have lunch at theirs nearby and they'll show me the nearby coastline too, how lovely. Quick lunch before heading to clinic, geriatric cancer. This was very interesting, situated at the main hospital, very big and the cancer centre was very new and flash - we saw three patients to manage their geriatric aspect of the cancer, discuss post treatment side effects and prevention of fractures etc... I managed to follow a great deal, at least towards the start of consultations... eyelids very droopy in the first one... & not sure what the man said as he left, hope it wasn't referring to my fatigue. All breast cancer which was interesting, the final patient was very organised, she had a folder of all her appointments etc, which was nice to see - I think I'd be the same way! She is involved in a research trial so that was interesting to find out about too. Long day making it back at about seven, tried to buy a razor - just got the blades, oops. As I was just starting my tea I could hear some distant aches of thunder.... ten minutes later the heavens opened. I turned the wifi off and Pheobe and I spent the evening listening to and watching the rain, trying to catch a glimpse of the lightening, phenomenal and it didn't cease until very late in the night

being witchy, can you spot the cat?

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